CI Forest Products - Testimonials
The years that CI Forest Products has Grown, Manufactured and Supplied Northern White Cedar to Building Professionals and Consumers directly has saved may a lot of money with a superior product(s) that continues to outperform our competitors.
WHAT OTHERS SAY about CI Forest Products
“As the only playset company that is ISO 9001 certified, our quality control is at the highest standard possible. The quality of CIFP’s products is outstanding, far superior to any of our other vendors. Only the highest quality is used in our playsets and products from CIFP are a valuable source.” April Wooten, Purchasing Agent, Cedar Works Playsets, Rockland, ME...

On His Mountain"
I can not thank you enough for the personal attention and time you have taken to help us with the completion of our new home on the top of West mountain in the foothills of the Adirondack mountains in upstate New York.
This house with its breathtaking views needed a very special look. Authentic is the word that comes to mind. And we got just that with your Cedar hand hewn log siding, window and door D trims and log corners. Truly a great package. What a great look.
We have had many compliments on the overall log cabin look it has given our conventional built home. Your cedar railing system was a snap to install and has given my new home the finishing touches we needed for the look of a real log cabin in the mountains. Being in the contracting business for 30 years you can tell a good product when you see it. You do get in life what you pay for. We got just that. A great product, a great look, and tremendous service, for a very fair price.
Thanks again for all your help with making our dreams come true.
P.S With any luck someday our paths through this grand design of life will cross and I will have the opportunity to thank you personally and shake the hand of a man that not only keeps his word but lives by it.
Thanks again,
your friend, Jeff Inglee
(Happy on his mountain )

Northern White Cedar Is Superior"
It's not often where I find myself writing a letter like this, however, I would like to express my appreciation for the care you have given Holland Log & Cedar Homes (HLH) on a regular basis. Your dedication, attention to detail, and professionalism reflect great credit upon yourself and Cockburn Island Forest Products. You have made all of us at HLH look like heroes to our customers on a regular basis.
The quality of your northern white cedar is far superior to anyone we have purchased it from in the past. We have done a fair amount of business with you and what little problems that may have arisen you have always handled in a timely fashion and to the satisfaction of HLH and our customers. Instead of pointing fingers, you take care of the problem and fix things so we don't ever have the same problem again. Over the course of the past five years that we have bought from you, things are pretty much down to a science.
If you ever find yourself, or Cockburn Island Forest Products, looking for a company you can use as a reference, please feel free to give them my contact information. Again, we appreciate all your effort and look forward to working with you and your company in the future.
Best regards.
Matt Nevins
General Manager
Holland Log & Cedar Homes

“Our commitment to quality is unsurpassed in this industry. As the only playset company that is ISO 9001 certified, our quality control system includes checks and inspections on all incoming materials. The quality coming from Cockburn Island has been outstanding, far superior to any of our other vendors. Only the highest quality is used in our playsets and cedar from Cockburn Island is a valued source.”
Statement from April Wotten,
purchasing agent for Cedar Works Playsets, Rockland, Me.

"Product Stands Up Best"
As the Regional Sales Manager for Ameri-Log Homes, I deal with many vendors of rustic products from various species of wood. The primary species our builders use is Northern White Cedar. The reason being, our customers are looking for the product that sets them apart from what the majority of companies offer in the Southeast, namely White Pine. The White Cedar has proved to be the product that stands up best in a high humidity territory and carpenter bee infested area. It’s tight cork-like cell structure and natural resins make it not only weather resistant but also bug resistant.
Being in the manufacturing of rustic homes market, we’ve tried many White Cedar log vendors across the country. Each one has their “sales pitch” of why theirs is the best in the market. But after trying ALL of them, we’ve found that Cockburn Island Forest Products serves us best. Not only do they produce the best product we’ve found, but also, the best service to our client…the builder. And ultimately, the retail consumer.
Rick Duncan has been phenomenal in giving us the personal service we need when bidding materials for the projects and professional advice and suggestions that help us better serve the customer. He deals directly with our builders and I don’t have to worry about the builder calling me back with complaints about how they were handled.
In my opinion, this company has gone the extra mile in providing exceptional service and follow up after the sale, that gives my builder-client the confidence of a personal relationship with the supplier. That’s something you don’t find very often in today’s market.
Cockburn Island Forest Products has been the choice that gives Ameri-Log Homes the unique look, warmth and feel of a full log home, without the natural issues and cost associated with it.
Thank you, Rick, for your company’s commitment to excellence.
Donald Owens
Regional Sales Mgr.
Ameri-Log Homes of North Carolina

We supply Cedar Siding in North Carolina, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, West Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, Kentucky, Indiana, Minnesota, Wisconsin,
Pennsylvania – in fact… we supply all our cedar products to the
continental 48 states, and around the world